Campaign Manager - Creative Builder


Use the Link option to link to HTML content used in another creatives content.


  1. Click Link.
  2. Search in the document explorer for the creative content to link to.

Once the creative has been selected a content list will appear in the content pane.

  1. Select the relevant content and click Insert.

An {embed} tag is inserted into your content that points to another content. This tag is the link. Using the link functionality allows you to modify the linked content and have any changes reflected in any content linked to it.

Note: You will only see the {embed} tag in any of the views, however the content is visible in Gallery View. Linking content from another content means the only the HTML content is embedded. HTML content does not include variables, images and so on. If you link to content within the same creative then all content, HTML, variables, images, etc. are embedded.
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